PharmaAnalytics is a Analytics, Reporting and Dashboarding solutions built upon Microsoft PowerBI platform. PharmaAnalytics enables pharmaceutical manufacturers gain insights into the Tier 2 Sales Environment like never before. The platform can target PharmaSMS database or customize to integrate with your existing data sources.


Leverage your Data

PharmaAnalytics can target PharmaSMS database and does not require any extraction and/or transformation

PharmaAnalytics can connect to your existing data sources provided your existing data sources contains information to drive the PharmaAnalytics Reports and Dashboards

Slice and Dice

Extensive, Rich and Easy to use multi-select filters and sliders

Filters and Slicers retain values between dashboards and Reports

Slice and Dice by Date, Customers, Territory, Distributor, Banners and much more..

Drilldown Time and Sales Organization Hierarchies

View key reports on Maps enabling to visualize like never before

PharmaSMS Integration

If you are using PharmaSMS, There is no overheads of any extraction, transformation of data to leverage power of PharmaAnalytics

PharmaAnalytics is available within PharmaSMS application

PharmaSMS and PharmaAnalytics becomes a single integrated solution


We customize PharmaAnalytics Reports and Dashboards to better suit your requirements

PharmaAnalytics Screenshots

a PharmaAnalytics Demo!